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Essential maintenance

At this time, owing to coronavirus restrictions, Keith and Dufftown Railway volunteers will continue to carry out essential maintenance especially where safety critical factors apply and to try to complete other works already in progress. The attention of all is drawn to our Covid19 Method Statement.

Relaying the Second Track!

The long awaited relaying of the second track between Dufftown Station and the engineering shed is now well in progress and has become fully a part of our essential maintenance program. Day 1 saw us lifting the old track and preparing to shift the temporary point work. Day 2 saw us placing the point work […]

Essential Maintenance: Strengthening work completed on five under-bridges.

This is Towiemore Sawmill culvert where new rail-bearers have been installed to secure its long-term load bearing capacity. Scaut Hill culvert. This is a small bridge over a drain at the top of the Parkmore Bank. Two large larch rail-bearers have been installed ensuring its safe weight bearing capacity for many years to come. Tullock […]

PW Work – Contractors speeding the way in sleeper replacement.

Thanks to grant money received from the Heritage Lottery Emergency fund we have been able to hire contractors to speed our work replacing old wooden sleepers with concrete ones. These will last us for many years to come. Here you can see their RRV (Road Rail Vehicle) heading back to Dufftown. Tom, our permanent way […]

Parkmore quarry underbridge struck by HGV!

On Monday 12th October at about 1430 the railway bridge over the road was struck by an HGV travelling towards Dufftown. Damage resulted in overnight road closure. The matter is in hand with our insurers.

New 144 gets a good cleaning!

It’s not the most exciting work of volunteering but these old dears need a good cleanup. It’s a big job and a long train but it’s all well worth the effort!