Membership_Form Download here:- OR fill in the form below: KDRA 2024-25 MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTION FORM KDRA 2024-25 MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTION FORM KEITH AND DUFFTOWN RAILWAY ASSOCIATION2024-25 MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTION Data Protection Statement: Your explicit permission is required for us to store and use the personal data provided on this form. This is achieved by signing where indicated below. Without your signature your application cannot be processed. Your data is held on a password protected computer and will be used solely for the purposes of communicating information to you about the KDRA by post, telephone or e-mail and will not normally be shared with any third-party organisations. Our data protection policy is reviewed at least annually, and your details will be kept on file for the duration of your membership. Permissions can be amended or retracted by contacting the Membership Secretary. The full Privacy Policy can be found on the Association Website. Signature Name Name First First Last Last Address Telephone Number Email I would like to receive future newsletters by e-mail Toggle Membership Categories AdultSeniorJuniorLife singleLife coupleCoupleSenior coupleFamily Total Quantity Credit Card Payment Method Captcha If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit This page last updated: 26/01/25