
Additional three coach unit

We have recently received a three coach class 144 unit from Porterbrook Leasing Company. It is one of a number of units transferred to the heritage sector.

Railway wins lottery grant!!

We want to say a HUGE THANK YOU!! to all players of the National Lottery because recently we have received a grant of £127,200 from the  Emergency Fund. The majority of it has to be spent on urgent track repairs and bridge inspections delayed by Covid 19. The remainder has helped towards a desperately needed […]

First Passenger Train

On Wednesday 16th September we ran a special charter for Railtrail Tours. Because of Coronavirus, it was our first passenger carrying train of the year!

Road-rail vehicle

RRV 360 ready for action! Our long-sought-for road rail vehicle (an RRV 360) finally came into our possession early this September. It will greatly facilitate the working of our dedicated permanent way team.

More Good News!

We are now able to take bookings for charters for the remainder of 2020

Sidings cafe re-opens

Great news! As from 15th July this popular cafe will re-open. Check out their Facebook page.

Next Line Day Saturday 29th February

Here’s a great way to spend your extra Leap Year Day, don’t waste it! Join our volunteers helping to keep our track in running order. Here we were on our last line day on 8th February; check this! You could become a YouTube star!

New Picnic Area

Ground preparation for a new picnic area next to the car park has been ongoing over the winter months. Thanks to a successful Christmas tree sale last December, we found enough money to buy two sturdy picnic tables. These will be be ready in time for the hot summer months!