Travelling north from Towiemore Halt heading towards Keith the train passes the site of the former Towiemore Distillery then a stand of trees. Just after the trees a drainage ditch flows, in a culvert, below the line and then into the River Isla. This culvert had partially collapsed leaving part of the former distillery site liable to flooding. Agreement was reached with LHS to replace the culvert. LHS would clear out the drainage ditch build a sump to collect the water from the ditch then pipe the water below our line and into the Isla. The KDR would remove the rails, sleepers and ballast above the culvert, LHS would excavate through the track bed and lay in a new pipe then infill the track bed leaving KDR to reinstate the ballast, sleepers and rails. The following pictures show the story of the work.
Looking towards Keith, one panel of two rails have been lifted. The line is split.
One panel of two rails has been lifted. Eleven sleepers removed & placed on the Keith side of the works site.
Left photo the old culvert heading into the LHS (Contractor) site, right photo the old culvert heading towards the River Isla.
The LHS contractor has completed their work & handed the site back to KDR. The next task is to reinstate the track. Left photo approaching the works site from the Towiemore side, the RED flag is just short of the break. Right photo the completed work awaiting New Ballast & reinstatement of the track.
Left photo shows the main & over flow feeds leading to the River Isla. Right photo the out flow meeting the River Isla.
One panel of two rails have been lifted. The surface has been prepared for new Ballast & reinstatement of the track.
Looking from the drainage ditch back over the line break towards the River Isla.
Left photo shows the works site from the Towiemore side, with the line reinstated, now on Yellow speed restriction. Right photo shows the actual work site with the line reinstated. Still requires some additional ballast.
More photos showing the actual work site with the line reinstated.
Shortly after the work was completed it was put to the test by heavy rainfall. Left photo shows the sump collecting water with no sign of the outflow pipe, but even after heavy rain the water is still flowing out. Right photo shows the outflow entering the Isla.
Left photo shows the actual work site with the line reinstated. Yellow flags indicate speed restriction in force. Right photo shows that even after prolonged rain the local land is still draining through the ditch and pipe into the river Isla.
These photos were taken after an additional Ballast drop. The line has been packed & Ballast spread.
Left photo shows the KDR’s Barclay loco over the Work Site. Right photo shows Works Train moving over the Work Site. After further inspection the temporary line speed restriction was removed.
These works took place over the period from 14th October to 24th October 2017. All picture in this section courtesy of Phin Sloan.